Saturday, October 29, 2011


Funds and Grants

Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Society Foundation
Provides funding for visual artists who incorporate video and film into their work.

Ann Arbor Film Festival
Gives out $20,000 via various awards to each year’s winners.

Austin (Texas) Film Festival Competition
The Austin Film Festival offers numerous awards, but a registration fee is required for the various competitions.

Center for Asian American Media
Media Fund
The Center for Asian American Media provides funding and support for provocative and engaging Asian American film and media projects from independent producers. CAAM awards production and completion funds for projects intended for public television broadcast. Since 1990, more than $3 million has been granted to over 150 projects. Funding is made possible with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Open Door Completion Funds are available up to $20,000 and Production Funds, $20,000 to $50,000 on average.

Creative Capital Foundation
Creative Capital is a new, national organization supporting visual artists who are pursuing innovative approaches to form and/or content in the visual, performing, and media arts. Creative Capital will work closely with its funded artists to provide audience development, marketing and other forms of assistance tailored to individual projects. Artists will, in return, share a portion of their proceeds with Creative Capital, enabling the fund to support more artists in the future. Creative Capital funds artist projects in four disciplines: visual arts (includes installation art, painting, fiber art, mixed media works, public art, etc.), film/video arts, performing arts (includes music, dance, theater, puppetry, performance art, etc.), and emerging art fields (includes all forms of digital work, and experimental literature). Projects that transcend traditional discipline boundaries are highly encouraged. Creative Capital operates on a two-year grant cycle, funding alternative disciplines each year. The first year of each cycle, we issue grants in visual and film/video arts; the second year, performing and emerging arts.
2008 Grants Focus : Emerging Fields, Innovative Literature and Performing Arts. Emerging Fields may include all forms of digital arts, audio work, multidisciplinary projects and new genres. Innovative Literature may include poetry, fiction, nonfiction, as well as genre-defying work by writers who demonstrate exceptional stylistic, linguistic, and formal originality. Performing Arts may include dance, music, theater, experimental music performance, experimental opera, spoken word, theater/performance art and interdisciplinary projects.
Also listed under Arts and Music.

Databazaar Scholarship Fund
A funding opportunity for undergraduate students in the fields of visual communication, broadcast journalism, filmmaking and photography. 2 annual grants of $2,500 each are available to support excellence in the visual fields and promote understanding between the USA and South Asia.

Dean Film and Video Grants (Roy W.)
Application deadline: Sept. 30
The Roy W. Dean Grants support film and video projects that are unique and benefit society. The grants primarily provide goods and services donated by companies in the film and video industry. These grants are available for shorts and low budget independents as well as documentary filmmakers.

Duke University Center for Documentary Studies
(1) Honickman First Book Prize in Photography : This biennial prize offers publication of a book of photography, a $3,000 award, and inclusion in a traveling exhibition of prizewinners. Duke University Press will publish the book in association with CDS Books of the Center for Documentary Studies. The prize, offered in collaboration with The Honickman Foundation, is open to American citizens of any age who have yet to publish a book-length work.
(2) Dorothea Lange–Paul Taylor Prize : This $20,000 award is offered annually to encourage collaborative documentary work in the tradition of photographer Dorothea Lange and writer Paul Taylor. The Center for Documentary Studies invites writers and photographers to make collaborative applications to the sixteenth annual Dorothea Lange–Paul Taylor Prize. Deadline for submission: All required materials must be submitted under one cover during the month of January and postmarked no later than January 31.
(3) CDS Filmmaker Award : This $7,500 prize recognizes documentary films that combine originality and creativity with firsthand experience in examining central issues of contemporary life and culture. In keeping with the CDS mission, the award was created to honor and support documentary artists whose works are potential catalysts for education and change. The award winners are selected from among films in competition at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, held each spring in Durham, North Carolina.
(4) John Hope Franklin Student Documentary Awards : These awards, of up to $2,000, are available to undergraduates at four local universities (Duke University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Central University, and North Carolina State University) to help them conduct summer-long documentary fieldwork projects. Deadline for submissions: Submit application during the month of February. Entries will not be accepted if postmarked after February 28.

Echo Lake Productions: Production Company and Film Fund for Independents

Experimental Television Center
Provides grants and residencies to New York residents.

FiftyCrows International Fund for Documentary Photography
Now in its 14th year, the International Fund for Documentary Photography competition remains one of the premiere photography programs in the world. As the core program of FiftyCrows, the Photo Fund supports emerging documentary photographers whose outstanding ability in visual storytelling leads us to a better understanding of our common humanity. International.

FilmMakers International Screenwriting Competition

Financial Aid, Scholarships, Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards in Media Communications
Covers Advertising, Communications, Filmmaking, Journalism, Marketing, Motion Pictures, Print, Radio, Television, Writing. A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D. Covers Advertising, Communications, Filmmaking, Journalism, Marketing, Motion Pictures, Print, Radio, Television, Writing.

Foundation Center: Reference Guide for Film and Videomakers
If you are an individual looking for financial support to make a film or to work on a video project, this user aid will help you in your search. We have selected a few of the most important print and electronic resources for you to begin your search.

Frameline Film & Video Completion Fund Filmmaker Support
Grants in a range of $2,000 to $3,000 are available for projects in the final stages of production. Submissions are being accepted for documentary, educational, narrative, animated or experimental projects about or of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their communities. The fund also seeks to bring new work to underserved audiences; with this in mind, we especially encourage applications by women and people of color.

The Fund for Women Artists Funding Lists
Choices include film/video projects, international projects, and visual arts projects.

Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media
Check out the GFEM Media Database, a searchable database of media projects-in-progress. GFEM believes that media play a vital role in shaping, framing and catalyzing public discourse and culture. Our goal is to advance the field of media arts and public interest media funding. To this end, the GFEM Media Database serves as a hub where funders of all kinds can find a rich array of media-related projects that fit their funding priorities.

Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund
Deadline : December 8
Administered by the Tribeca Film Institute with funding from Gucci, the Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund provides finishing funds to feature-length documentaries that highlight and humanize issues of social importance from around the world. The fund is seeking feature-length documentaries in production or post-production with the intended premiere exhibition in late 2011 or 2012. Films should be commercially viable and resonate with a mainstream U.S. audience. The fund seeks to support films that highlight and humanize issues of social importance from around the world through complete, thoughtful, and dynamic storytelling; films that focus on issues that may not be extensively covered by the mainstream media or well understood by the general public; and films that focus on people who are ignored, ostracized, or otherwise marginalized or people fighting for political or social justice. The fund does not support Short films or student projects; films that choose advocacy over story and craft; or films completed before January 1, 2011. Grant amounts range from $10,000 to $25,000.

Independent Television Service (ITVS)
Each year ITVS funds, distributes and promotes new programs produced by independent producers primarily for public television and beyond. ITVS is looking for proposals which increase diversity on public television and present a range of subjects, viewpoints and forms that complement and challenge existing public television offerings. All production funding requests must be submitted in accordance with ITVS guidelines.

Institute of Humane Studies Film and Fiction Scholarships
Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded by the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University to students pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree and who share an appreciation for the potential and promise of a free society. During the past ten years, IHS has awarded more than $270,000 in scholarships. Students pursuing MFAs in a variety of areas are eligible: film directing, production, screenwriting, playwriting, and fiction writing. The scholarship can be used towards tuition and expenses, and is open to students pursuing an MFA full-time in the 2010-2011 school year.

International Documentary Association Fiscal Sponsorship Program
Fiscal sponsorship is a legal and financial arrangement which allows a 501(c )(3) tax-exempt nonprofit corporation, such as the International Documentary Association (IDA) to provide it’s nonprofit status and limited financial oversight to a project by an individual or organization that does not have nonprofit status. IDA can provide this service to a variety of projects if they meet the fiscal sponsorship admissions criteria and their project is in line with our mission statement. This arrangement is a well-accepted model of nonprofit arts funding for individuals and organizations who do not have legal nonprofit status, but would like to take advantage of funding offered to 501(c)(3) organizations.

International Documentary Association Funding Opportunities
Includes informataion of funding by deadlines, without deadlines, and information about fiscal sponsorship.

Kickstarter : A New Way to Fund and Follow Creativity
A funding platform for artists, scientists, and entrepreneurs. Post a description of a project you want funded, how much money you need, and a deadline. If enough people pledge the money that you need, everyone is billed. For funding goals that aren’t reached, no one is charged. Since its inception in April 2009, more than 1,000 projects have been funded. Not a grant program! If anyone has used this program successfully, send a note to the web page editor.

Latino Public Broadcasting Funding for Independent Producers
Deadline: June 1
An open invitation to independent producers to submit proposals for a public television program or series on any subject that relates to or is representative of Latino Americans. LPB funding will average between $5,000 and $100,000 for programs of most genres, including drama, comedy, animation, documentary, or mixed genre. LPB will consider funding projects at any production stage. LPB Funding for each stage ranges as follows:
(1) Research and Development $5,000 – $20,000
(2) Production $25,000 – $100,000
(3) Post-Production $25,000 – $100,000
(4) Outreach $10,000-$25,000

Media Action Network for Asian Americans (MANAA)
Media Scholarship
Deadline : October 30
Offering one $1000 scholarship for currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers as filmmakers and in television production (not broadcast journalism). Formed in 1992, MANAA is the only organization solely dedicated to monitoring the media and advocating balanced, sensitive, and positive depiction and coverage of the Asian American community.

Michigan Film Office Film Incentives for Producers

Morrie Warshawski’s
Morrie Warshawski, author of “Shaking the Money Tree: How to Get Grants and Donations for Film and Video” recently announced the launch of a new Web site with an extensive bibliography on fundraising for independent film and video projects. The site also includes a RealAudio clip on “How to Throw a Fundraising House Party” taken from an appearance on Marketplace Radio. For more information, Warshawski can be contacted at

National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Programs and Deadlines
Have provided funding for documentaries.

National Film Preservation Foundation
The National Film Preservation Foundation (NFPF) was created by the U.S. Congress to save America’s film heritage. Working with archives and others who appreciate film, the NFPF supports preservation activities nationwide that ensure the physical survival of film and improve access to film for study, education and exhibition. The foundation provides Basic Preservation grants of $1,000 to $15,000 to nonprofit and public archives for laboratory work to preserve culturally and historically significant film material. Matching grants up to $50,000 are also available for larger projects. Nonprofit funding only. Other programs include : Partnership Grants and Avant-Garde Masters Grants.

National Foundation for Jewish Culture
Lynn and Jules Kroll Fund for Jewish Documentary Film
Supports the completion of original documentaries that explore the Jewish experience in all its complexity. The fund was created with a lead grant from Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation and is sustained with major support from the Charles H. Revson Foundation. The priority of the fund is to support projects that address significant subjects; offer fresh, challenging perspectives; engage audiences across cultural lines; and expand the understanding of Jewish experiences. Grants from the fund, which generally range in size from $15,000 to $35,000, are awarded to up to six filmmakers annually for post-production support.

National Geographic Society Foundation
All Roads Seed Grant Program
The All Roads Seed Grant Program funds film projects by and about indigenous and underrepresented minority-culture filmmakers year-round and from all reaches of the globe. The program seeks filmmakers who bring their lives and communities to light through first-person storytelling. Submission deadlines are quarterly on the 15th of each March, June, September, and December. Award notifications are made approximately six weeks after each of these dates.

National Historical Publications and Records Commission
Historical Documentary Editing Fellowships
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America’s documentary heritage essential to understanding our democracy, history, and culture.

Native American Public Telecommunications
The NAPT Public Television Program Fund supports program ideas that bring new perspectives on Native American cultures to public television audiences, increasing the quality and quantity of Native American television programming on a national and international scale.

New York Foundation for the Arts
Opportunities for Artists
NYFA’s mission starts with individual artists in the visual, media, performing and literary arts. This site offers access to the most comprehensive list of opportunities for artists in the nation, opening doors to the widest range of financial, educational, technological, and institutional resources and information. Provides information on fellowships, fiscal sponsorship, in support of the production of independent films.
Also see NYFA Source.

NYFA Source : A Directory for Artists
A database of some 6,000 grant, award, publication, and other opportunities for artists in all disciplines nationwide. These listings are supplemented by weekly jobs and opportunity listings that are part of NYFA Current. New postings appear every Sunday. NYFA’s grants and other programs for New York State residents are also described on the site.

Oppenheimer New Filmmaker Equipment Grant Program
Supports new filmmakers in producing their first serious film project. The grant awards the use of their Grant Program Arriflex 16SR camera package to senior and graduate thesis students and to independent filmmakers for a scheduled period of time. Proposed projects may be of any non-commercial nature: dramatic, narrative, documentary, experimental, etc.

Pacific Islanders in Communication (PIC)
The mission of Pacific Islanders in Communications is to support, advance, and develop Pacific Island media content and talent that results in a deeper understanding of Pacific Island history, culture, and contemporary challenges. Media Fund open call is seeking public television projects at the research & development, production or completion stage. PIC funds up to $15,000 for Research & Development. Production and Completion funding ranges from $20,000 to $50,000. Independent producers or independent entities producing television, film or video programming are encouraged to apply.

Pacific Pioneer Fund Awards Grants to Filmmakers in California, Oregon, and Washington
Deadlines: February 1, May 15, October 1, annually
The Pacific Pioneer Fund awards grants to support emerging documentary filmmakers in California, Oregon, and Washington. Grants are limited to public charities that agree to supervise any project for which an individual receives funds. The Fund does not provide support for endowments, building campaigns, accumulated deficits, or operating budgets, nor does it support instructional or performance documentaries, student film projects, or make grants to individuals. In addition, filmmakers are eligible for only one grant from the Fund during their careers. Grants range from $1,000 to $10,000. Applications available online. Contact: Armin Rosencranz, Executive Director; Tel: (650) 497-1133

Playboy Foundation
The Playboy Foundation is the charitable giving program of Playboy Enterprises that provides funding for documentary film and video projects in the postproduction stage. “The Playboy Foundation is interested in social-change documentary film and video projects that have nationwide impact and scope. Our grants are quite modest–$1000-$5000. For that reason, our film and video grants are limited to projects in post-production.”

Princess Grace Awards for Aspiring Young Theater, Dance, and Film Artists in America

San Francisco Film Society
Grants and Prizes
The San Francisco Film Scoiety has taken over activities previously undertaken by the Film Arts Foundation. The Film Society awards filmmaking grants and cash prizes to innovative and exceptional films, with specific monies set aside exclusively for Bay Area filmmakers. The total amount of money to be awarded in 2009 will exceed $190,000. Visit the web site for information about specific programs, including the Hearst Screenwriting Grant, Djerassi/SFFS Screenwriting Fellowship, SFFS/KRF Filmmaking Grants, Herbert Family Filmmaking Grants, and Golden Gate Awards.

University Film and Video Association (UFVA)
Offers a variety of grant programs, including Carole Fielding Student Grants.

Why Fund Media?
Advice for grantmakers on the benefits of funding media.

Women in Film Foundation
WIF’s purpose is to empower, promote, nurture, and mentor women in the industry through a network of valuable contacts, events, and programs including the Women In Film Mentor Program, the award-winning Public Service Announcement Production Program, and the Internship Program in association with the Fulfillment Fund. Additionally, we provide film finishing funds, scholarships, grants, advocacy, community outreach programs, monthly networking breakfasts, seminars, workshops, and a screening series with filmmakers.

Women Make Movies Production Assistance
Major distributor of film and videos by women. Also offers a fiscal sponsorship program with accompanying services, such as lists of funding sources, one individualized fundraising consultation, fundraising or proposal writing workshops, networking opportunities with other women media makers, and discounts at labs and equipment facilities.

Worldstudio Foundation Scholarships
Worldstudio Foundation scholarships allow young people from minority and economically disadvantaged backgrounds not only to realize their artistic dreams, but also to give back to their communities. Areas of study include: architecture, cartooning, crafts, environmental graphics, fashion design, film/theater design (costume, set, lighting), film/video, fine arts, furniture design, graphic design, illustration, industrial/product design, interior design, landscape architecture, new media, photography, surface/Textile design, and urban planning.
Also listed under Grants for Individuals — Arts, Film, Landscape Architecture, Photography, Minorities

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Institutional Grants Program
The Institutional Grants Program assists in fostering educational activities between the public and the film industry while encouraging the appreciation of motion pictures as both an art form and a vocation. In 2008 the program distributed $500,000 to 58 institutions.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting
The Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting program is an international competition open to screenwriters who have not earned more than $5,000 writing for film or television. Entry scripts must be the original work of a sole author or of exactly two collaborative authors. Entries must have been written originally in English. Adaptations and translated scripts are not eligible. Up to five $30,000 fellowships are awarded each year.

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation
College Television Awards
The College Television Awards is a major Academy competition which recognizes excellence in college student film/video productions. It is national in scope, accepting entries each year from scores of colleges and universities. The entire program, including $24,500 in cash prizes, is sponsored by the Academy Foundation. First place winners receive $2,000, second place winners receive $1,000, and third place winners receive $500

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Film Festival Grants
The Film Festival Grant program has awarded more than $3 million to film festivals since 1999. Grants totaling $450,000 were granted to 24 U.S. film festivals in 2009. While the grants are awarded for a variety of programs, film festivals are encouraged to submit proposals that make festival events more accessible to the general public, provide greater access to minority and less visible filmmakers, and help strengthen the connection between the filmmaker and the public

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Film Scholars Program
To stimulate and support new and significant works of film scholarship, the Academy Film Scholars program awards grants of $25,000 to two individuals each year. Established scholars, writers and historians are awarded grants to research topics that may include cultural, educational, historical, theoretical or scientific aspects of theatrical motion pictures.

ACP-EU Support Programme for the ACP Cinema and Audiovisual Sector.
The overall objective of the Programme is to contribute to the development and structuring of audiovisual, cinema and television industries in ACP States, in order to optimise their capacity to create and distribute their own images and products, and to enhance the promotion of ACP cultural diversity, cultural identity, and inter-cultural dialogue.
Assistance will be granted to stimulate the emergence or building of production capacity in cinema and audiovisual industries in ACP States, on one hand, and on the other, to enhance the circulation of audiovisual works, primarily within ACP States, but also in EU Member States and at the international level.

The Programme has a support amounting to 6.5 million Euros. It comprises three types of aid which will be allocated as follows, in the form of grants:
The ACP Film website containing information on the impending calls for proposals, other financing possibilities in the sector, and exchanges among professionals in the field will soon be launched at 3 Oguntona Crescent, Gbagada Phase 1, Lagos Nigeria. P.O. Box 36 Surulere. T: +234 803 425 1963, +234 802 201 6495, +234 803 403 0646 E:

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